Welcome to Kärraton Hostel and holiday homes

The hostel has 21 rooms, a lounge, a big garden area with barbecues, conference room and free parking.

The holiday homes offer 5 cottages,

5 km outside from central Åhus.

We also offer a 2 apartments house in central Åhus. 

You book through the menu. If you can´t find what you are looking for, please call us or write to us at the form below.

H: +11°
L: +
Lördag, 15 Maj
Se 7-dygnsprognos
Sön Mån Tis Ons Tor Fre
+11° +12° +11° +13° +13° +12°
+ + + + + +

Kärraton Hostel

Kärraton Cottages

Central Åhus